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Cadastre and land registry harmonization

> Our Law Firm provides the service of aligning the data in  the Land Registry with the data in the Cadastre, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

Cadastre is a recording of the real property marked as land plots, clearly showing beneficiaries of real property unit located on a particular land plot. Each land plot covers a certain land surface and facilities erected thereon.

Usually, the land plot numbers in the Cadastral Books and the land plot numbers in the Land Registry do not match. In some cases, real property units are located in a Cadastre Municipality, for which the Land Books have not been established at all or have not been renewed. Therefore, the very first step to be undertaken in any real property-related proceeding is to obtain data on the land plot identification from the competent court.    

On the other hand, the Land Registry contains data on the real property owners and holders of other property rights over a particular real property. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Land Books are kept by Land Registry Offices at the Municipal Courts.  

Title Deed and Land Registry Certificate are public documents that are issued to  private individuals upon their request and against payment of a fee, the amount of which is defined by regulations and decisions of administrative bodies.  

> If you are in the process of buying or selling a real property in Bosnia and Herzegovina or Croatia, or obtaining a permit for the newly constructed facility, but encounter problems due to lack of alignment between the data in the Cadastre and the data in the Land Registry, feel free to contact our Law Firm with confidence for any legal act.

* The article is of an informative nature for the purpose of understanding a specific legal problem. It's not allowed to use the content without the permission of the LJUBIC Law Firm.

Cadastre and land registry harmonization is mandatory legal action before any real estate contracting procedure

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In Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia: Checking the legal status of real estate; Verification of real estate in land registers and cadastre; Finding the desired property; Contracts; Real estate registration; Investment studies /


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